Transport phenomenon in Protic Ionic Liquids: Insights from MD studies

Nikhil Aravindakshan\(^{1}\) and Allan East\(^{2}\)

\(^{1}\) University of Northern British Columbia
\(^{2}\) University of Regina

Protic ionic liquids (PIL) have been interesting in terms of their applications due to moderate - high electrical conductivity and workable viscosity at optimal temperatures. We have previously studied pyridine-acetic acid system (the simplest protic ionic liquid) using ab-initio molecular dynamics (AIMD), where we couldn’t reproduce computationally the intriguing conductivity maximum vs mixing ratio known for this system, but were able to explain the maximum by developing a kite-model using the liquid structure observed in the simulations. Currently, we are using molecular mechanics (MM) to simulate the traditional pyridine-acetic acid system, reproduce its conductivity maximum computationally, and further substantiate our kite model proposed earlier. To address a possible effect of delta-pKa on the position of the maximum, we are simulating pyridine-trifluoro acetic acid system for comparison. The recent progresses we made regarding this will be discussed.

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