
The Canadian Association of Theoretical Chemists/L'Association canadienne des chimistes théoriciens is a not-for-profit corporation. Its members are faculty at Canadian universities and colleges or members of government and industrial labs whose primary research interests are in theoretical and/or computational chemistry.

The purposes of the Association are to:

  1. Organize the Canadian Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (CSTCC)
  2. Promote and develop theoretical and computational chemistry in Canada
  3. Engage in matters relating to theoretical and computational chemistry as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.


Board of Directors

  • Alex Brown (University of Alberta)
  • Stella Constas (University of Western Ontario)
  • Erin Johnson (Dalhousie University)
  • Mariusz Klobukowski (University of Alberta)
  • Gilles Peslherbe (Concordia University)
  • Mark Thachuk (University of British Columbia)

Current CATC By-Laws